Thursday, February 18, 2010

Read Me on Thanks To K The Intern

I am excited to announce that I am now a Featured Blogger on Read my first post here.

Apparently some awesome intern, named K, thought I was cool enough to be a featured blogger on their site.

I was an intern once! I know how it is.

When I worked at Harper Collins, as an Editorial Intern, it was my job to sift through thousands upon thousands of unsolicited manuscripts to find one or two that I thought were good enough to have a second look by a real Editor.

K the intern, thank you. Thank you for liking my blog enough to get me a real writing gig. You rock!


  1. Thanks so much, Julie! How is the move going?

  2. Congrats! Featured blogger is a great way to get some exposure - stopping by from the link at Sarahcasm's blog

  3. Thanks so much! I hope it does just that! I hope it leads me to the right people.


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