When I into the exam room, I immediately informed the ultrasound technician that I wanted to know the gender. It seemed like forever until we got to that part of the exam. She was measuring every single part of the baby. I kept saying:
"Is every thing normal?"
"Yes...so far." She repeated every time I asked. "So far" (by the way) is an infuriating and nerve racking response. Like there could be something wrong at any moment?
I have to admit I was bored. As long as every thing was fine, there were no toes or a femur missing I wanted to peer in between this baby's legs and get to the real reason why I was here.
I also found out that my placenta previa is no longer an issue! My placenta is not blocking the cervix, however, I now have another placenta condition. I had to laugh when I heard the term for this one. It's called "Battledore Placenta." It sounds so Medieval!
Essentially, what it means is this: the umbilical cord is supposed to connect to the center of the placenta. Mine connects on the side of the placenta, like a tennis racket (not the analogy I choose to use, I am merely quoting ultrasound tech Susan). Here is a diagram to further confuse you:

Then the moment of truth finally came. Without warning Susan announced that...the umbilical cord was between the baby's legs! She didn't know what the baby was!
Unfortunately, this baby has a persistent Jewish mother. Anonymity was completely unacceptable. I shook my belly until that damn umbilical cord moved.
I refused to be defeated by a being that is only 3/4 of lb. That's not how I roll.
Turns out...that...this baby is...a.... GIRL!
Yes, a girl. I was so excited and relieved to know!
"Ari," I said "you're going to have a sister! What do you think about that?" Here was his reaction:
"Does this classify as a head injury?"
"No, he's fine. He just bumped his eye."
"Sorry, I know you're off duty."I replied.
"Never!" He said with a laugh.
My mom complimented me on being resourceful enough to seek out his advice.
She is very excited to have another granddaughter (my brother has two girls- a step-daughter and a newborn).