Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shana Tova!

For those of you that live under a cultural rock, I'd like to clue you in on something: it's the Jewish New Year! Yes, that's right, it's Rosh Hashanah. Yes, that's the reason NYC public schools are closed for two whole days this week

In honor of my heritage, I'd like to make some New Year's resolutions.
  • To enjoy this moment
  • To focus on the positive
  • To be a great Maid of Honor in Mint's Wedding
  • To be more understanding of others
  • To speak the truth
  • To clean the house on a regular basis
  • To be supportive to Wil
  • To teach Ari new things
  • To be good to myself and the mystery baby
To my fellow Jews: What are your New Year's Resolutions?
To my friends of other faiths: what do you want change/work on in your lives?

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  1. Happy Jewish New Year :)

    I don't have any goals right Ask me again after this baby comes out ;)

  2. I apologize for living under a cultural rock. I didn't know. Happy New Year to you.

  3. I def want to be less hard on myself. I strive for perfection and I am often disappointed because it's not realistic. Also I just want to be a good mother and less moody!


What do you think? Feel free to agree or disagree, but hateful comments will be deleted.