Saturday, September 11, 2010


I don't have something funny to say all the time. Remarkable events don't happen to me on a daily basis. Yet, I feel the need to write every day. If I don't write, I feel pent up inside. There are too many noises going on my head. Too many thoughts that need somewhere to go.

Needless to say, I'm no Tanis Miller or Jason Mayo. I love these guys, but they can be spontaneously hilarious. I can't. I need to feel inspired.

Yet, I check my blog constantly for comments. I love comments. When someone comments, I feel validated, heard. When I don't receive any comments on a post, I freak out a little inside. I second guess myself. Is it worth it? Should I keep writing? Does anyone care?

This is by no means a cry for sympathy. I'm merely sharing my thought process when it comes to blogging.

I love to read and comment on other people's blogs, but I'm egocentric, I admit it. I want people to read what I write. Not because I think I'm fantastic, but because it makes what I wrote seem real to me.

I can't pretend I don't care. I can't play it cool. This has always been a side of my personality. I ask for what I need. I never waited for a guy to call me. I called him. I have no game. You can read my emotions on my face. Or in this case you can read them right here.

Tell me: Am I alone? Do you feel the need to be validated? Share your thoughts!

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  1. I feel like I have to write everyday too. Sometimes I skip a day here and there but for the most part it is everyday.

    If I write a longer post and don't seem to get comments I get a little paranoid too...

  2. Julie, I'm so glad it's not just me! XO

  3. I'm right there with ya! I think secretly (or not so secretly) that's why we all do it right? I just started blogging and when I got on and saw my first comment I squeeled like a pig. I too have been wanting to post more often, but I just started and don't want to set a precedent that I won't always be able to reach.

  4. I think it's human nature, no? I feel better knowing that you think the same way! I'm off to comment on your blog!

  5. hi.
    i used to. a lot. but realised there was too much anxiety attached to that way of being. so i started letting that go. i won't lie and say i don't care if i had no comments. but ultimately i write for myself, to get it out. i believe that i validate myself, just by giving myself that voice.

  6. I could have WRITTEN this post! If one of my regular commenters suddenly doesn't comment any more I worry about what I did! When I had less followers and they were easier to track I actually tracked a couple down when they unsubbed and asked why! I blog because I need a place to put the words ... but my spirit needs feedback and validation!

  7. I don't write every day but I sure do love me comment validation! :)

  8. I don't always comment because I feel I talk to you in REAL life! But I get all your posts in email and I read them ALL!!! :) So you know you can always talk to me about it all in real time and I'm there.

  9. Monica- I wish I could get to that place.

    Beth- Thank you! I feel the exact same way. I view my blog as a way of connecting with other parents. So it feels wonderful to receive feedback.

    Amanda- YAY for comment validation!

    Cordy- Thank you! Real life!

  10. I want to be the person who is unaffected by praise or criticism. Note the word: WANT.

  11. Harriet- I want to be that person too!

    Thank you! I love YOUR blog ;)

  12. Harriet- I want to be that person too!

    Thank you! I love YOUR blog ;)


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