Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mom and Other Electronically Inspired Words!

I have waited 18 long months to hear this word, and the day has finally come. So here it is folks, my son said...."mom mom!"

Though it is a little bit creepy, as it speaks in a strange robotic voice, this book did inspire my child to speak more. I remember months ago, My friend Gry and I were mocking it's weirdness and then....all of a sudden, my son blurted out: "Da da!" in response to a metallic: "Daddy, daddy plays with baby."

Oh, and as an added bonus, he also said:


  1. Awesome! It did not occur to me at all that "baby", "bye-bye", "momma", and "daddy" were all words from that book! I forgot about that book. They just seemed like common words you would say alot.
    Actually, I guess what we were mistaking for him sounding very "serious" was actually sounding like that electronic book. Glad you figured it out!

  2. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG HOW CUTE!!! :D I love it! :D I want to squish him!

  3. The weird thing is that he hasn't picked up that book in a long time. But started looking at it recently! Thank you, Minty, by the way. That was part of the package of books you ordered for me :)

    Cords-- YAY!! I wanna squish him too!!!!

  4. Hey is there a longer version of this video - I find it disapointing that it cuts off right as he's saying dada.

  5. There is meant to be a "?" in the above comment.

  6. No! Sad! My camera ran out of memory just as he was about to say "da da.." and actually, I think he ended up saying Da-dee!

  7. The comments are almost as entertaining as the blog here. (I want and do squish him too. It is fantastic that a book can help so much with speech. Thanks Mint.


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