If you go to amazon.com, for example, and search for a lullaby CD the results you find are overwhelming. Barney Cohen and Joan McCoy have done the research and have provided us parents with a easily search-able website containing products that they personally recommend for children.
Little One Books was generous enough to allow me the opportunity to review a couple of their products. The first thing that came to mind was a lullaby CD for Ari to combat his bad sleeping habits. I chose this particular CD, which has a combination of traditional and original lullabies.

1. Ari has never much been into music before bed.
2. Often children's music can be irritating
3. Would this put the perpetual non-sleeper to bed?
My mom and I introduced the CD to Ari as a "special surprise." He immediately got excited.

"What happened?"
And I would explain to him that a new song would be coming on in a few seconds. Eventually, he began to get sleepy.
Ari and I continued to listen and we both fell fast asleep. In fact, Wil had to come in and turn the lights out for us early in the morning.
Because of my sleep success, I am feeling generous. Little One Books and I are offering
a $25 gift certificate giveaway!

To enter do the following:
1. Leave a comment here about a product you are interested in trying from Little One Books. Here's a link to their site.
2. Like Little One Books on Facebook here.
3. Like Old School/New School Mom on Facebook here
4. Follow them on Twitter here.
5. Finally, sign up for their newsletter! The sign up is on the upper right hand corner of their site.
The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to Little One Books
In case you're wondering, this giveaway is open to readers in the United States and Canada! Yay Canadians! To quote Audra, Online Community Manager at Little One Books, "We love Canadians!"
The winner will be selected randomly on Wednesday 11/10/10! Good luck!
Awesome giveaway! This site is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI found an album that is perfect for Grace. "You Are My Sunshine" by Elizabeth Mitchell caught my attention with the album title. I began singing this song to Grace the night she was born. I have been singing it to her every night since. The song holds a special meaning to me and has been a bed time staple for Grace.
I started reading the "Why We Chose This..." section and was sold when I read "Each song has an instrument that is dedicated to keeping the steady beat, and can be picked out by listeners." This is something I have been working on with Grace, recognizing the individual instruments and how they come together to make music. She will be starting dance classes in January and I think this skill will be a great asset to her development in class.
If I win this or not, this album will be in her Christmas stocking.
(By the way, I have "liked", "followed", and "newsletter-ed" this wonderful company")
Oh my! I would have to get Brown Bear. My daughter used to love it, I'm sure Kobi will too!
ReplyDeleteThey have a ton of good stuff! I would have to get some dinosaur books I think.
ReplyDeleteFollowing them on Facebook and Twitter :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway. I like the Machines At Work book. You are so sweet to do this! I like the books you chose for Ari. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed by the selection at Little One Books. Looking at their website, I discovered a counting book that I'd never heard of before called One Leaf Rides The Wind. It sounds like so much more than "just" a counting book, and I am intrigued by its setting in a Japanese garden. I would love to buy this book!
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I'd like Ten Tiny Babies.
ReplyDeleteCLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog
I would love to get The Best Mouse Cookie
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i would love the Merry Christmas, Curious George!
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I have really been wanting to get the Fancy Nancy book for my 3-year old :)
ReplyDeleteI "like" Little One Books on FB as Christina Graham.
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ReplyDeleteHmmm decisions! Not really sure what book I'd like to get but we love books!Curious George..maybe a holiday book...
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ReplyDeleteSo hard to choose! They all look wonderful! Alphabet Explosion looks fun for my kindergartener. I liked Little one books on Facebook as well. I like old school/new school mom too.
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ReplyDeleteI would love to get a Harold and the Purple Crayon book. My grandchildren love him.
ReplyDeleteI would like to try the book White on Black.
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I would really like to get a classic book or two if I win. Goodnight Moon is a great one. We check it out from the library often, but I think we should just have it all the time!
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