I got an email today from Discount School Supply advertising Halloween craft projects. I started to get that itch to buy something, only I don't have any money to buy anything
with. So I called my friend Nora, early childhood teacher and mother to two
pre-teen girls. I asked her what art materials would be age appropriate for Ari. It turned out, I didn't need to buy anything at all.
"Do you have a cardboard box?" She asked
"Yes! I do." I replied, already getting excited.
In fact, we had a lot of cardboard boxes because we had our groceries delivered this morning.

"Bring one of the boxes in, and let Ari paint it!" Nora
I immediately grabbed a box and some paint.

Ari immediately got to work.

The end product was this:

I cannot tell a lie, I joined him. This is not all his work. It was a joint effort and a lot of fun. Plus, I didn't have to buy anything!
After we completed this project, it occurred to me that a long time ago, I wrote about this very topic
You really, really cannot beat a cardboard box when it comes to fun. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's so true! What's not to love about a cardboard box?