Thursday, September 22, 2011

Here's My Son's Card

I was on the playground the other day on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, my old neighborhood, and I met this really cool mom. We got to talking while Ari was running amuck and her toddler son was strapped into his stroller. The mom in question had gorgeous long wavy hair that looked too perfect for words.
"I love your hair!" I marveled. "I wish I had hair like that."
"Oh don't be fooled," she cautioned me "My hair is just like yours. I just had it cut and blown out yesterday. That's why it looks like this." I laughed. She told me where she got her hair done, this place in Chelsea, and we compared bad curly hair cut stories.
Things were going great on this "mom date," I thought, until she and her child were ready to get going.
"Hey, we should exchange emails or something," I offered "maybe we could meet up on the playground again sometime?"
"That would be great," she said smiling. Then she looked down for a moment and hesitated.
"Um, my husband made these for me the other day,'s the first time I'm handing one out." she said offering me a small white card the size of a fortune from a fortune cookie.
I looked at was her son's full name and his emaill address.
So basically, in order to get in touch with this woman, I have to email her 16 month old. I really didn't know what to say. I thanked her and she went on her way with her stack of business cards at the ready.
So what do you think? Should I email this toddler or what?