Ari just wanted to share with you all the box gallery we've created courtesy of our used Fresh Direct boxes. For those of you that don't live on in the NYC area, Fresh Direct is an online grocery service where one can order his/her groceries to be delivered to your home. Now you may be thinking, "is Fresh Direct paying you to write this?" No, I just want to inform the people who don't live in New York what I'm talking about so they're not confused.
The Fresh Direct groceries arrive in cardboard boxes. Needless to say, we have a ton of empty cardboard boxes lying around that eventually make it to recycling. In the mean time, we've decided to make them look pretty. Ari wants you to take a look:
Well, my great friend Josina suggested the same thing. I'm going to follow her advice and send these along. Let's see what Fresh Direct has to say...
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