When we were traveling down to the Operating room, I felt like I was the one about to have surgery. I guess that's because Ari is like an extension of me.
We got to the Operating Room. He cried at the unfamiliar stark white surroundings. I held him while the Anesthesiologist sedated him. I was terrified. He was going under general anesthesia. He fell asleep quickly. As soon as I saw him on the Operating Room table I could feel a lump in my throat. I wanted to cry.
"Okay, mom." Said the Anesthesiologist, I was glad that she spoke because it stopped me from crying, "We'll show you to the family lounge now." One of the nurses walked me to the family lounge where I could wait for the surgery to be over.
It was the longest 30 minutes of my life. I tried to distract myself by looking at silly websites on my phone, i.e. damnyouautocorrect.com, but I was a nervous wreck. Finally, the doctor came to get me and told me the surgery had gone well and walked me to the recovery room where Ari was sleeping in a metal crib.
He woke up pretty quickly and wanted me to hold him.
I made the mistake of asking one of the nurses when he could eat bland foods like crackers. He heard "crackers" and said:
"Crackers? I want crackers!"
The nurse replied:
"Not yet sweetie, you need to drink a little bit first to see if your tummy feels okay."
"CRACKERS!" He demanded.
After much cajoling, he drank a cup of apple juice, small sips at a time. Then he bugged the nurse until she gave in and gave him a pack of saltines. I promised him many more crackers when we got back to his room, and I delivered on that promise.
Meanwhile, my other child has been sleeping in random household items at my friend's houses. Thank you Zahir and Mint!
Samara in a Laundry Basket: Wil's Brilliant Idea
Samara in a Drawer
She loved the laundry basket, but I hear she got bored of the drawer.
While Ari has been at the hospital he made friends with a therapy dog named Hudson:

Ari is feeling much better. He's sleeping at the moment. I was told we could go home tomorrow afternoon. Here's hoping!
Thank you to all of our friends and family that offered kind words, transported breast milk, gave us a place to stay, and much much more while we've been going through this challenging time.
I'm so glad Ari is doing better.
ReplyDeleteI had to send a 10 yrold into the or once and it was terrifying to say the least.
I'm glad Ari is off to a good recovery. Your daughter is in good hands. Hudson is precious! My thoughts are with all of you. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Ari's surgery went well, as did his recovery!!! <3