Thursday, July 14, 2011

An Interview With Ari

As soon as Ari turned three, he's had a lot to say. Recently, we took the time to have a sit down interview. Enjoy!


  1. This is so so so adorable!

    "Ari Fader Wilhelm Van Luyn!!! So close! I love it. I love the "I want to say Van Luyn" part. I love the whole thing!

    And "Tell me".
    Granpa's name is totally Fader. Who is this Grandpa Jeff person?"

    I love his thinking face. Excited to hang out with him on Monday even though he will be unhappy I am there until I am about to leave...

  2. I love seeing the wheels turn...
    My son watched this with me- he totally thinks Ari is his best friend now.

  3. He is so silly! At first I thought he said, "I like to beat you" and my sister and I laughed so hard. I love that his favorite color is pink, go Ari!


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